Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

Yale University

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Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig - Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach (3rd ed.) (1)
  • Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig - Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach (3rd ed.) (1)

  • College aantekeningen • 1152 pagina's • 2021
  • In our discussion of the rationality of the simple vacuum-cleaner agent, we had to specify the performance measure. the environment, and the agent's actuators and sensors. We group all these under the heading of the task environment. For the acronymically minded, we call PEAS this the PEAS (Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors) description. In designing an agent, the first step must always be to specify the task environment as filly as possible The vacuum world was a simple exa...
  • $15.49
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